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註冊時間: 2003-03-12
文章: 1698
來自: tunglo

第 1 樓

發表發表於: 星期日 九月 14, 2003 2:38 pm    文章主題: 服務代理者3(工具) 引言回覆

服務代理者3 ServiceAgent v3.0 Professional 作者 素還尊 / 尊龍團隊

ServiceAgent 是針對為 Windows NT/2000 下的應用程式來封裝成系統服務的軟體,
還不只這樣, 它還整合了服務排程, 遠端控制, 應用程式管理等等, 為應用軟體、

ServiceAgent 對一般個人使用者而言是完全免費的, 然而, 假若您是程式設計師
或企業單位想將 ServiceAgent 附加進產品內去散佈的話, 那您則先要註冊才行喔.

(1) 輕而易舉的將您應用程式成為Nt/2000下的系統服務.
(2) 透過 Telnet client 可以遠端控制您的應用程式及服務.
(3) 為您的應用程式排程, 您可以隨意要求它們啟動, 停止或重新啟動,
甚至是系統重開機、關閉電源都能經由排程來完成. 除了手動之外,
(4) 完全相容 NT/2000, 也相容 98/ME, 但在98/ME 下不支援 Service
的模式, 而是以應用程式模式.

ServiceAgent 能為您帶來哪些好處?!


您將不須再花費時間精力去為您程式寫個Service 封裝程式, 你只要使用
ServiceAgent 就能輕易幫您做到這件事了, 甚至您若想要特製的 Service wrapper
的話, 那您就必須先註冊才 能夠有這項額外的服務. 而此特製的 Service Wrapper
是可以讓您 合法附在您產品內隨之散佈的(如同雷電FTPD一樣).


依照您的需求, 為您的應用程式或服務設上排程, 或者,
誰說一定要在機器旁才能顧機器呢?! ^_^


為您系統設定排程, 或許這樣就不會電腦開整晚浪費了有限的能源,
當然這是在你還愛護我們只有一個地球的前提之下 Razz

ServiceAgent 比別的Service Wrapper 還優秀的還有這些:

i.) 你可以由 Telnet 來和 ServiceAgent RemoteControl Center 連線,
借由終端機模式您可以監看應用程式及服務的狀況, 及管理它們,
甚至在系統不穩時, 狠狠的來它一個重開機, 大家都知道 Windows
就是要來給它重開機一次, 什麼奇奇怪怪的問題就會一掃而空了.
ii.) 可以遠端控制系統的登出, 關機, 關閉電源(ATX Power only).

4.怎樣註冊服務代理者3 ?
您可以使用線上 SSL 信用卡付帳來完成註冊繳費.

There are three options for ServiceAgent registration:
(1) Standard License – US$14.95
(Royalty-free redistribution of ServiceAgent with your own application)
After you register ServiceAgent, you will have a registered version of
ServiceAgent. You can use it for commercial purpose.

(2) Single Softwre License – US$99
(Royalty-free redistribution of ServiceAgent with your own application ,
one title only ServiceInstaller)
After you register ServiceAgent, you will have a registered version of
ServiceAgent. You can use it for commerical purpose. If you want a specific
software service installer to bundle with your own product (just like
RaidenFTPD http://www.playstation2.idv.tw/raidenftpd/ ), and you must mail me
(chenjianliang@kimo.com.tw) your software information about (Your name,
Company name, Email address, Software name, Software exe file name, Service
DisplayName, and even your trademark image file, software logo) to let me
build your own software service installer package that compiled by hard code
for you and email it to you in 2-3 working days. You can bundle this service
installer with your own software for re-distribution or commical purpose.

(3) Unlimited Software License –US$149.
(Royalty-free redistribution of ServiceAgent with your own application ,
unlimited titles ServiceInstaller)
After you register ServiceAgent, you will have a registered version of
ServiceAgent. You can use it for commerical purpose. If you want a
unlimited software service installer to bundle with your own products (just
like RaidenFTPD http://www.playstation2.idv.tw/raidenftpd/ ), and you must
mail me (chenjianliang@kimo.com.tw ) your Name & Company Name & Service
Group Name. I will build a Service Installer Wizard that compiled by hard
code for your own usage and email it to you in 2-3 working days. You can
use the SIW to build more than one service installers at your will. You can
bundle these service installers with your own softwares for re-distribution
or commical purpose.

5.About Us (John Long Team)
John Long Team, we are a group of programmers who really love to implement
our ideas in Taiwan. You can visit our site to check out what we have done
already. There are a lots freewares & sharewares for you to use and maybe it
will give you a easy way to solve your problems in work.

John Long Team site(Chinese Big5) : http://sourcecode.xzone.idv.tw
ServiceAgent Offical Site : http://www.playstation2.idv.tw/serviceagent/

SericeAgent v3.0 professional
Copyright(c), John Long Team. All rights reserved.
Author: theodore
Email: chenjianliang@kimo.com.tw


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