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呼叫 API 出錯

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註冊時間: 2007-08-16
文章: 245
來自: 泰國

第 1 樓

發表發表於: 星期二 七月 11, 2023 2:42 pm    文章主題: 呼叫 API 出錯 引言回覆

小弟需要從 VFP 呼叫一個網頁,以便得到 token 才能繼續資料傳輸.
根據該網頁要求, 格式如下

An example request message for access token in curl command format

curl --location --request POST '/https://openapi-sandbox.kasikornbank.com/oauth/token'
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
--header 'Authorization: Basic NmxzMHB6M0NVUE1ORG10RzlHNUI2WFU4MzJETnBHTGc6VUZpSHZpWmRzRzF1aThKNw=='
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'

小弟在 vfp 使用如下指令, 但是不能成功
xmlHTTP = createobject("msxml2.xmlhttp")
xmlHTTP.Open("POST", m.lcUrl, .F.)
xmlHTTP.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Basic"+space(1)+m.lcidkey)

xmlHTTP.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
xmlHTTP.setRequestHeader("env-id", "OAUTH2")
xmlHTTP.setRequestHeader("x-test-mode", "true")
m.lcbody= "grant_type=client_credentials"
API 網頁傳回的錯誤訊息如下
"code": "openapi_error",
"message": "Invalid ApiKey for given resource"

似乎是 https 需要 正確的 certificate, 該如何處理?



Read the exercise details below carefully.
Call an API with the applicable parameters from the table. You are able to call an API by 2 methods:
Add the request parameter in the Headers and Body box and click “Execute” button
Call API from your server or other program e.g. Postman
URL: https://openapi-sandbox.kasikornbank.com/oauth/token
*you have to add Header "x-test-mode" : "true"
*you have to add Header "env-id" : "OAUTH2"
Check the return message from API and check your results.
Exercise: Authenticate with OAuth Client Credentials

OAuth Information
Authorization Your credentials.
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
grant_type client_credentials

Consumer ID suDxvMLTLYsQwL1R0L9UL1m8Ceoibmcr
Consumer Secret goOfPtGLoGxYP3DG

How to do OAuth 2.0 to get access token

1. Click on the menu Get Credential on the left hand side or go to "My Apps" Menu and click "App Detail" Menu then the system displays your Consumer ID, Consumer Secret with the screen below.

Consumer ID = suDxvMLTLYsQwL1R0L9UL1m8Ceoibmcr
Consumer Secret = goOfPtGLoGxYP3DG

2. Generate a Basic Authentication format with your Consumer ID and Consumer Secret with the step below

Combined the dataset to the format <Consumer ID>:<Consumer Secret>
From the example, the data set is

Encode the dataset in Base64 encoded format.
From the example, the data set is

Take the encrypted data set to place in the header section according to the following format:
Authorization : Basic <encrypted dataset>
From the example, the data set is

Authorization : Basic YTJGemFXdHZjbTVpWVc1cmRYTmxjZz09OmEyRnphV3R2Y201aVlXNXJjR0Z6YzNkdmNtUT0=

3 .Specify in the header as Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

4. Specify in the body as grant_type=client_credentials.

5. The access token will be used to continue making other API calls with a validity of 30 minutes.

An example request message for access token in curl command format

curl --location --request POST 'https://example.kasikornbank.com/oauth/token'
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
--header 'Authorization: Basic YTJGemFXdHZjbTVpWVc1cmRYTmxjZz09OmEyRnphV3R2Y201aVlXNXJjR0Z6YzNkdmNtUT0='
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'


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